Monday, February 6, 2012

Comic Connection

This relates to a conversation I was having with one of my friends earlier in the week (and relates to my life directly because I am obviously a girl, that has to deal with sexist immature teenage boys on a day to day basis- Lucky Me!) I really just do not understand why men cannot stand to be called women, like it is some horrible insult. Like you automatically become less of a man. I find it truly insulting. They are suggesting that women are what, weak? Women are just as strong as men, maybe even stronger. And we really have no complaints when we are compared to a guy, at school girls have "guy day" where teams dress up in guys clothes for the day. When men are insulted by being called women it expresses the fact that they feel embarrassed by us females, and feel we are subordinate. It took until the mid-1900s just for Suffragettes to win the right for women to vote. Why weren't we given the right to vote in the first place? maybe because we belong in the kitchen? Its wrong! Let's remember that there wouldn't even be a human race if it wasn't for u women just doing our job by repopulating. Men need us, whether they like it or not. And the sooner they learn to appreciate us the sooner we will stick around and stop being the typical nagging wives that men make us out to be. Today women are working; in factories, hospitals, offices, business corporations, etc. More women are receiving educations and getting highly successful jobs today then ever before. We ARE making and impact. We were all made equal and women are a finally rising up to grasp that concept and show the stubborn egotistical men who really is boss. 

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