Thursday, November 17, 2011

Opinion Prompt #­6

We should have a king instead of a president.

First of all there is a reason why we do not have a king ruling, it didn't work! Throughout history many main powers have taken a stab at the titanic known as a "totalitarian system". China today is involved with communism and Karl Marx suggested Marxism for the theory of equality, but in reality his theory ended up being a dictatorship. And France beginning in the 1600's and lasting for centuries used absolutism, while England had a king and queen ruling. People are greedy, mean, selfish, and cruel -a theory created by Thomas Hobbes. People want to rule and be in control compared to the other way around, where we are living in the slums doing manual labor barely making enough money to put food on our own table. But how would we decide who has that much power? Through a dynasty(family of rulers)? And who says they are fit to rule? Would we base this dynasties' time of rule upon a silly belief or theory(the divine right theory [France] or the mandate of heaven [China])? And how would we avoid reforms or revolutions? We take Global and US History to learn the ways of the past and learn how to avoid the reproduction of the terrible events from the past. Such as; wars, revolutions, massacres, sick (minded) people ruling, nationalism, lack of freedom, etc. The list could go on and on. But with our human race being able to live on, we are given a second chance. And we are expected to use that second chance to get things right. Not create the same debacles all over again. Insanity would spread, we would be reproducing an event an expecting different results. It's not logical to expect something different because if the circumstances are similar enough wouldn't you get the same results? Great leaders have led and watched all their hard work be thrown away because of silly wars and battles. Their goals might have not been met but they did succeed in teaching a lesson; what is done is done, don't go searching for a different answer. It did not work, so we shouldn't expect it to be different this time around. 
Now although I don't like the political strategy suggested, I am not a full fan of democracy either (or our current leader). Today more people are involved in the choices of a larger mass of people. While before one, two, or small group would be ruling. That is not enough to keep eyes all over the region and watch everyone. With the decreasing amount of people ruling, the corruption of the government increases. Although there is small 'grey area' because today our system in the US (a large group of people having a say) doesn't seeming to be working to well. People become politicians and all of our money, through taxes, ends up funding their new hummers or summer condos on the side of Costa Rica. Government will always be corrupt it seems, so our goal should be to find the most efficient way to lessen the amount of corruption. We are still being given second chances, and we are still being given the time to try new ways of running our society. So the real question is; How long will it take before we find the right one? 

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