It was the night before Halloween ...
and all the little goblins and ghouls were sleeping tight under their warm covers. Dreaming of what tomorrow would bring; fear, treats, or maybe tricks. The wind was slow and steady, moving trees in rhythm filled patterns. Not a single soul was to be seen out of the citizens home before halloween, for it was the meeting ground of the feared ghosts, witches, werewolves, and vampires. They would meet at midnight so that the moonlight shine upon their terrifying faces, awakening their inner demons. As the demons arose nightmares flew into the mind of all the sleepy, excited children. Squirming around in their beds, the feared creatures listened and watched. Gradually taking in every drop of discontentment and fear. Some kids were stuck so bad that they were awoken, screaming. Soon after startled parents came flashing into the room, ready to rescue their young from the unseen dangers. Not yet satisfied the creatures creeped into the homes of the gentle town folk, and hid in their closets and under their beds. Once found they scared the living daylights out of these folk. These creatures believed that it was tradition to scare on halloween, not a single october 30th or 31st would be complete without it. So every year make sure you lock your doors and windows. Don't open you closets or look under your beds. Try your best to dream happy thoughts. And whatever you do...Don't. Get. Scared.
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