Thursday, September 29, 2011

(Prompt #2 Write about a color without mentioning the actual color (only shades of it) in the body of the poem) Yellow

The second he saw her, he knew
He had fallen in love with her lemon chiffon skin,
Her golden hair
And those khaki highlights
She was young and shined like the sun
Just sitting innocently in the jasmine colored sand
Her bathing suit was beautiful amber that complimented her light skin
She began to lift her glass of water with a twist of lemon
And that is when he began to walk to her, with goldenrods in hand
She turned slightly getting him into her view
Her eyes not visible under the sunglow colored sunglasses
But her smile was a shiny white mixed with crème
The second she saw him, she knew

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Writing Prompt #38

What's your idea of a perfect vacation?

My idea of the perfect vacation is a beautiful location, warm or cold. There has to be plenty of sites to see, and plenty of breath-taking sceneries. The place has to be quiet and clear of din. I have to be able to relax and clear my head. I need to be able to get away from the outside world, and let all of my problems just seep away for the time being. I need to be able to remembers every moment, and take snapshots of everything. Maybe I'll be surrounded by loving people, or maybe even just go by myself. I need to have a great hotel that's big, and elegant. Every night would have to be different, for dinner we would eat with variety and try out all of the best restaurants close by. If the venues climate is relatively warm then i would love to have a BBQ, because those just make summer vacations. If the venues climate is cold then i would love to just go outside and look at the snow. Either way a vacation is what you make it to be, and i plan to make all of mine the best they can be.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Web Gallery of Art

AACHEN, Hans von
Nocturnal Seastorm
Oil on canvas, 73 x 98 cm

When I see this picture I think about the time that the picture was set in; 1752. I see the apparel that is being worn by all of the early explorers that have traveled out to sea in a storm. And i notice the slight differences that the clothing has compared to today. The men are still wearing the basic top and bottom (shirt and pants) combination. But you can also see that the style seems to be baggy, and plain colors. I wonder if these men are wealthy? based upon their clothing and the equipment they have for transportation. When I looked at the forms of transportation that were present back then, i noticed they are very different from now obviously. These ships are made from wood, while our ships now are composed of iron and steel. Looking at the differences between now and then really showed me how much can change and evolve in such a short amount of time. I am very grateful for what we have today; the advancements and technology that helps make my day to day life much easier and enjoyable. Next i noticed the emotions expressed by the people in the storm. I looked at their facial expression and forms of body language. These people were holding on to their boats in hope of saving them,  and they were scared and helpless. I feel bad, and really wish I could somehow help these poor people. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Try a new system or different approach (154 words)

When things don’t work out the way you have planned; as the fortune cookie says you must try different tactics. No one can predict the future; I have always had the stubborn (this-is-my-way-never-going-to-change) kind of attitude. I have always known what I was going to do later in life, and I thought I have had it all planned out. But family conflicts stood in the way of my plans, and sibling rivalry was always a major problem. My siblings and I are fairly close in age, a year between each. We all struggle to shove each other out of the way to get our spotlight. I would constantly fight everything, but then I realized those tactics were diffidently not working. So I changed them to being supportive of my siblings and just trying to please myself rather than every other single person on the planet. If I’m happy everyone around me will be too.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

U, U, What begins with U?

Understanding. We try our best every day to understand the circumstances that others are conflicted with daily. But no one can really truly understand the troubles that others face. Its not possible to put our selves in their position at that exact time to see every surrounding, and be consumed by every emotion. The understanding of these situations can bring people together, or even comfort people at a time of need. The ability to partly understand is a great power, but should never be overused. Everyone reacts differently when they hear the words, "I understand". Some let you in and open up, they let you see a side of them that is regularly closed of to the rest of the world. While others close them selves off and push you away, they partially feel offended or misunderstood because they know that you can never know the full story. To me i feel the best thing to do is just be there, and if you truly do feel you understand then follow your gut and say something. Who knows maybe you and that person can eventually end up be really close friends in the future.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

There is no justice no truth no forgiveness no getting around it and no turning back...
once every word has been spoken
every task has been completed
and every job has been filled

There is no justice no truth no forgiveness no getting around it and no turning back...
once you have finished the pondering
of crossing the line
and finally gone for it

There is no justice no truth no forgiveness no getting around it and no turning back...
once the time comes
that everyone filled with trust has disappeared
and only you are left

There is no justice no truth no forgiveness no getting around it and no turning back...
once you are left looking back
no regrets
but the feeling that you are complete

There is no justice no truth no forgiveness no getting around it and no turning back...
once you finally know
that even though the world is upside down
and all of its people are staring at you with disappointment

There is no justice no truth no forgiveness no getting around it and no turning back...
once you feel it was right
everything lessens to a quiet peace
and it feels so good

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Things You Didn't Know About Alaynah

1.) I have three siblings (Charlotte-14, Denis-13, and Colby-6)
2.) I want to go to Medical School to become a general surgeon, then later specialize (i have always wanted to be a surgeon, since i was little)
3.) I play volleyball and softball, but like volleyball more because it is more team oriented
4.) I love singing and acting
5.) I used to get horrible stage fright (speaking in class, sharing powerpoints, etc.)
6.) I work at a camp every summer that helps give disadvantaged children a week to have non-stop fun
7.) I am a Gleek :)
8.) My favorite color is green
9.) I love playing kickball at family gatherings
10.) Respect is a HUGE thing in my eyes

Wednesday, September 7, 2011